Start Of The Cultural Revolution
by: Romina Romei
October of 1966
Cultural Revolution Times

Before the
Cultural Revolution, the Qing dynasty was in power. The Qing dynasty was known for many
things. One of the accomplishments done
by the Qing Dynasty was claiming the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven is an “order” delivered
by the Gods. It was believed that if you
were a very good ruler, cared for you dynasty, and provided what was needed,
that the Gods would send you great things for your dynasty. Things such as fertile soil, good weather for
agriculture, etc. The Cultural Revolution
after this because they thought that the Mandate of Heaven was becoming an old
tradition, or otherwise know as an old custom.
The Great Leap Forward did not take place during the Qing dynasty. The Cultural Revolution took place during the
Mao Era.
Many people
are for the Cultural Revolution, and getting rid of the four olds completely.
“The four olds are traditions. And we
are trying to make China modern, so the four olds should definatley go. Also everyone would be equal.” Quote by Zhao
Bi Shou. A poor man who lives in
China. Others are completely against the
Cultural Revolution. “The four olds, may
be traditional, as we are trying to modernize China, but traditions are always
good. It reminds us of how people used
to live, and to be thankful. Also I
don’t believe everyone should be equal since some people work harder for their
positions, than others.” Quoted by Ju Bei Sheng, a wealthy man, located in Beijing. Many people have different opinion about the
cultural revolution, but this is not stopping anyone from continuing the