Monday, February 6, 2012

Day In The Life

            The family I visited lived in Shaoshan, Hunan, China.  They were farmers.  This means that our life was much working, and not easy at all.  The family would work on the farm, all day, and everyday.  It was much work and preasure for the family.  There wasn’t much time for fun, but when there was the family would run around on the farm to have fun.  They prayed to the lords, and hoped for the Cultural Revolution to happen, so everyone would be equal.  Many times the family would eat items they grew, and sometimes if there was not enough they would eat trees or grass.
            The government had many rules for farmers.  They could not own more than a certain amount of property, and the state would own their property.  It was difficult because there was a large gap between the rich and the poor, and many things were unfair.  Then Mao Zedong had discussed the Cultural Revolution and many farmers and peasants were very happy, and greatful because it would make all people equal.  The rich, and the poor.  Our clothes were very simple because we had very little, to no money so wore very simple clothes such as linen.
            The houses were very small, because we lived on a farm.  There was little space.  Most houses only had one room, and most houses didn’t even have a bathroom.  There would be a public bathroom for a certain area, that everyone would share.  Only the wealthy could afford a bathroom in there house.  That was my day in the city of Shaoshan, Hunan, China.

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